Scientific data on flow and storage changes of water on land around the world
A new data synthesis published in Nature
If you want to know and use data for how water flows and water storages on land have been varying and changing in recent decades around the world, check out this new published data paper in Nature - Scientific Data (1) and the associated data provided for open access download in (2):
- Zarei M, Destouni G, A global multi catchment and multi dataset synthesis for water fluxes and storage changes on land, Scientific Data, 11, 1333, 2024.
- Zarei M, Destouni G, Global Hydro-Climatic Data (GHCD), Version v3, Zenodo Repository [Dataset], 2024.
This data from multiple comparative datasets for 1561 non-overlapping hydrological catchments with worldwide spreading can be used to identify essential agreements and disagreements of the different datasets on the spatial variations and temporal changes of runoff, evapotranspiration, water storage, and associated water balances around the global land area, e.g., for pattern recognition and hypothesis/model testing. The direct dataset comparison can advance a more coherent, realistic cross-disciplinary understanding of Earth’s water states and changes across regions and scales, from local in single catchments and up to continental and global.